You have this right, Will. Before Starbucks the curb on the northbound lane was at least a soft asphalt to grass berm that would make for a softer landing if your bike got forced off the road by traffic. Now it's a hard granite curb that leaves you no place to go if you get squeezed here. Call me paranoid but I swear the road is narrower now along Starbucks by the width of this granite curb. In addition they have yet to fill the trough created when they installed the curb. That makes the path for a bike even narrower. Of course the only way to navigate this funnel is to take the lane to be as visible as possible, but how many older folks on a bike will have the stomach for this type of aggressive riding?

And what's up with SRTA? Do they hate their customers that much or are they just stupid? There are no benches or shelters at their stops in Fairhaven. The bench that used to be at the Stop & Shop fell apart last year and was not replaced. People are forced to sit on overturned shopping carts or the guard rail across from Job Lot on Alden Rd. I've seen better accommodations in third world countries.

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The bench for the bus at Stop & Shop is on the store. I talked to management and they said corporate didn't want to fit the bill to replace it. Not sure if the town could use CPA funds for this in the future, as it's technically on private land.

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Do they know how tone deaf that position is? A few hundred bucks to make their own customers comfortable?

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Some of their employees wait there for the bus as well

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