Ah, yes, that stop sign at the corner of Alden and David Drown. Recently I was stopped by a Fairhaven cop for going through that sign ON MY BIKE! He actually crossed into and blocked the other lane to lecture me about recklessly disregarding a stop sign at the speed of 12mph. Technically he was right to warn me about a potential $150 fine for that offense (legally it can be $40-$150), but ... REALLY? I have never seen a motorist stopped for going through that sign, though they do it all the time. FWIW bike riders have a much better view of road traffic than drivers. We are not hindered by door posts, distracted by noisy passengers, or chirping electronic devices. I have no idea why that sign is even there except to allow for people to back out of the 3-car parking area to the right of it. BTW, there is no stop sign in the other direction.

And why is there no bench or shelter at the bus stop across Alden Rd. from Job Lot? People are forced to stand out in the cold and rain, or blazing sun, or sit on overturned shopping carts to wait here for a bus. Are bus riders not worthy of a break? I'm sure this is not the only place like this. Only recently did they install a bench near the Rt 6 stop near 7-11.

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Glad you didn't get a ticket! I did an exclusive expose of scofflaws like you : )


I hear you on the poor amenities for the bus stops. If you want to get involved, this is a project on the back burner for Livable Streets that's looking for a champion! It's shameful that we don't have bus shelters, especially at our most used bus stops. Will do a post on SRTA in the coming month.

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